28 March 2013

SAS Dashboard : Linking indicators with interactions

To create a dashboard that opens a report which links to another indicator , when the business user clicks the indicator , a new window shows the other indicator with the interactions with the current indicator.

* Using: Information Map as the indicator data , including the filters which prompting the users to choose the data from a static list
* You have to choose a default value for this static list in order to be appeared in creating the dashboard indicators .

say we have two indicators : indicator1 , indicator2
- indicator1 :include a chart with a "Date" variable and from which we want to setup the link
- indicator2 : is the target which filters upon a chosen date from indicator1
 ** indicator2 's data must contains the filter we made previously in the information map

1- From indicator1 ,Select the "link" icon

2- Choose the link type: Indicator

3- Browse the files and select indicator2
* For making the interactions between the two indicators , both the two indicators must have the same information map as their data
4- Now,  set the parameters for interactions by clicking the + icon:

5- Select the parameter data which is attribute we make a filter on ,say  Date
6- Write the parameter name which is exactly the same name of the prompt we created in the filter "case sensitive"

Now view the operation of the linking , from indicator1 click the view icon
Output :
Click on any value from the chart to view the detailed table of the selected date , say selecting the value "2/17/2013"
the result is a detailed filtered table which we made previously at indicator2 .

10 March 2010

err: ERROR Failed to get cluster name. (STU00165) err: Error description: Database access error. Reason Loading shared objects failed. First tried to load library clntsh and failed because of error: [clntsh: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]. Second tried to load library libclntsh.so and failed because of error: [libclntsh.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory].

I was using Business Objects XI 3.1 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and when run cmsdbsetup.sh to check the CMS repository I faced the following error:

err: ERROR Failed to get cluster name. (STU00165)
err: Error description: Database access error. Reason Loading shared objects failed. First tried to load library clntsh and failed because of error: [clntsh: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]. Second tried to load library libclntsh.so and failed because of error: [libclntsh.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory].
After some search I find this solution:
Find libclntsh.so in your system by running the following command
 find / -name libclntsh.*
 gives the result: /libclntsh.so
then add the path of libclntsh.so into the LD_LIBRARY_PATH system variable by executing
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/libclntsh.so

Also make sure that the Oracle client is running and try to tnsping the repository database

07 March 2010

QaaWS HTTP Servlet QaaWS error Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong... here are the details:

When using Query as a Webservice, and you try to import the WSDL link into Xcelsius an error may pop up and say "Unable to load URL". Or when you paste the link into your internet browser an error occurs as following:

QaaWS HTTP Servlet
QaaWS error
Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong... here are the details:

Exception - com.crystaldecisions.sdk.exception.SDKServerException: An error occurred at the server :
Enterprise authentication could not log you on. Please make sure your logon information is correct.

cause:com.crystaldecisions.enterprise.ocaframework.idl.OCA.oca_abuse: IDL:img.seagatesoftware.com/OCA/oca_abuse:3.2
detail:An error occurred at the server :
Enterprise authentication could not log you on. Please make sure your logon information is correct.

The server supplied the following details: OCA_Abuse exception 10498 at [.\secpluginent.cpp : 610] 42040 {}
...Invalid password
I solved this problem by going to \Tomcat55\webapps\dswsbobje\WEB-INF\classes and open the dsws.properties with notepad. Then at the qaaws.principal.username and qaaws.principal.password insert the user name of Business Objects and the password.
Then restart the services.
For my case I created a separate username and password for the QaaWS.

23 February 2010

Cannot access the repository. (USR0013)

[repo_proxy 13] SessionFacade::openSessionLogon with user info has failed(Transport error: Communication failure. (FWM 00001) (hr=#0x80042a01)

If are facing this error then you need to add your computer name to the hosts file.

You can find the hosts file at this directory C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
open the file with Notepad and add the ip and the server name for example:   BOServer1

If the server is part of domain you have to write the full address of machine, for example:   BOServer1.DomainName.com

This problem happens when you are connecting with Business Objects clients like, Universe Designer, Desktop Intelligence, and Web Intelligence Rich Client and so on...

SAS Dashboard : Linking indicators with interactions

To create a dashboard that opens a report which links to another indicator , when the business user clicks the indicator , a new window shows the other indicator with the interactions with the current indicator.

* Using: Information Map as the indicator data , including the filters which prompting the users to choose the data from a static list
* You have to choose a default value for this static list in order to be appeared in creating the dashboard indicators .

say we have two indicators : indicator1 , indicator2
- indicator1 :include a chart with a "Date" variable and from which we want to setup the link
- indicator2 : is the target which filters upon a chosen date from indicator1
 ** indicator2 's data must contains the filter we made previously in the information map

1- From indicator1 ,Select the "link" icon

2- Choose the link type: Indicator

3- Browse the files and select indicator2
* For making the interactions between the two indicators , both the two indicators must have the same information map as their data
4- Now,  set the parameters for interactions by clicking the + icon:

5- Select the parameter data which is attribute we make a filter on ,say  Date
6- Write the parameter name which is exactly the same name of the prompt we created in the filter "case sensitive"

Now view the operation of the linking , from indicator1 click the view icon
Output :
Click on any value from the chart to view the detailed table of the selected date , say selecting the value "2/17/2013"
the result is a detailed filtered table which we made previously at indicator2 .

err: ERROR Failed to get cluster name. (STU00165) err: Error description: Database access error. Reason Loading shared objects failed. First tried to load library clntsh and failed because of error: [clntsh: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]. Second tried to load library libclntsh.so and failed because of error: [libclntsh.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory].

I was using Business Objects XI 3.1 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and when run cmsdbsetup.sh to check the CMS repository I faced the following error:

err: ERROR Failed to get cluster name. (STU00165)
err: Error description: Database access error. Reason Loading shared objects failed. First tried to load library clntsh and failed because of error: [clntsh: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]. Second tried to load library libclntsh.so and failed because of error: [libclntsh.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory].
After some search I find this solution:
Find libclntsh.so in your system by running the following command
 find / -name libclntsh.*
 gives the result: /libclntsh.so
then add the path of libclntsh.so into the LD_LIBRARY_PATH system variable by executing
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/libclntsh.so

Also make sure that the Oracle client is running and try to tnsping the repository database

QaaWS HTTP Servlet QaaWS error Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong... here are the details:

When using Query as a Webservice, and you try to import the WSDL link into Xcelsius an error may pop up and say "Unable to load URL". Or when you paste the link into your internet browser an error occurs as following:

QaaWS HTTP Servlet
QaaWS error
Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong... here are the details:

Exception - com.crystaldecisions.sdk.exception.SDKServerException: An error occurred at the server :
Enterprise authentication could not log you on. Please make sure your logon information is correct.

cause:com.crystaldecisions.enterprise.ocaframework.idl.OCA.oca_abuse: IDL:img.seagatesoftware.com/OCA/oca_abuse:3.2
detail:An error occurred at the server :
Enterprise authentication could not log you on. Please make sure your logon information is correct.

The server supplied the following details: OCA_Abuse exception 10498 at [.\secpluginent.cpp : 610] 42040 {}
...Invalid password
I solved this problem by going to \Tomcat55\webapps\dswsbobje\WEB-INF\classes and open the dsws.properties with notepad. Then at the qaaws.principal.username and qaaws.principal.password insert the user name of Business Objects and the password.
Then restart the services.
For my case I created a separate username and password for the QaaWS.

Cannot access the repository. (USR0013)

[repo_proxy 13] SessionFacade::openSessionLogon with user info has failed(Transport error: Communication failure. (FWM 00001) (hr=#0x80042a01)

If are facing this error then you need to add your computer name to the hosts file.

You can find the hosts file at this directory C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
open the file with Notepad and add the ip and the server name for example:   BOServer1

If the server is part of domain you have to write the full address of machine, for example:   BOServer1.DomainName.com

This problem happens when you are connecting with Business Objects clients like, Universe Designer, Desktop Intelligence, and Web Intelligence Rich Client and so on...