17 December 2009

Error-1904 Module C:\Business Object\BusinessObjectsEnterprise 12.0\win32_x86\AppPluginMgr.dll failed to register.HRESULT -214704769

If you are facing this error: Error-1904 Module C:\Business Object\BusinessObjectsEnterprise 12.0\win32_x86\AppPluginMgr.dll failed to register.HRESULT -214704769 when you are trying to install Crystal Reports Server 2008 ( or other Business Objects product) then you need to disable the Data Execution Prevention (DEP).

To Disable DEP do the following:
  1. Open the boot.ini ( located in your C drive by default)
  2. Set the noexecute parameter to Alwaysoff, so it should be /noexecute=AlwaysOff
  3. Save the file and restart the computer
  4. Start the installation again


  1. Got the exact same error message, but your solution did not help. Resolution was to remove my installation of Crystal Reports 2008 and then reinstall it after installation of the server


Feel free to write any comments or ideas!

Error-1904 Module C:\Business Object\BusinessObjectsEnterprise 12.0\win32_x86\AppPluginMgr.dll failed to register.HRESULT -214704769

If you are facing this error: Error-1904 Module C:\Business Object\BusinessObjectsEnterprise 12.0\win32_x86\AppPluginMgr.dll failed to register.HRESULT -214704769 when you are trying to install Crystal Reports Server 2008 ( or other Business Objects product) then you need to disable the Data Execution Prevention (DEP).

To Disable DEP do the following:

  1. Open the boot.ini ( located in your C drive by default)
  2. Set the noexecute parameter to Alwaysoff, so it should be /noexecute=AlwaysOff
  3. Save the file and restart the computer
  4. Start the installation again


fl-85 said...

Got the exact same error message, but your solution did not help. Resolution was to remove my installation of Crystal Reports 2008 and then reinstall it after installation of the server

Mostafa Khalil said...

Have you restarted the PC?

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